Thanks for visiting my blog! My name is Elizabeth and this blog will act as a journal entry of ideas and experiences that I have used to bring health and healing to my family. Let me tell you how I came to want better health for myself and my family. In 2003, I was feeling very fatigued, frustrated and sick. I finally visited my internist and after many blood tests and appointments, my doctor informed me that I had lupus and hypothyroidism. As a young wife and Mommy of 3 small children I felt devastated and hopeless and I didn't know what to do. In order to be a studious patient, I decided to follow the medical journeys and blogs of other people with lupus and to also understand the medicines that my doctor would be prescribing for me. I remember viewing the rapid downward spiral of a man who had lupus. It was very depressing. It became apparent that I was doomed to a slow, painful life/death. This ...