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Thanks for visiting my blog!  My name is Elizabeth and this blog will act as a journal entry of ideas and experiences that I have used to bring health and healing to my family. 

Let me tell you how I came to want better health for myself and my family.  In 2003, I was feeling very fatigued, frustrated and sick.  I finally visited my internist and after many blood tests and appointments, my doctor informed me that I had lupus and hypothyroidism.  As a young wife and Mommy of 3 small children I felt devastated and hopeless and I didn't know what to do.  In order to be a studious patient, I decided to follow the medical journeys and blogs of other people with lupus and to also understand the medicines that my doctor would be prescribing for me.  I remember viewing the rapid downward spiral of a man who had lupus.  It was very depressing.  It became apparent that I was doomed to a slow, painful life/death.  This could not be!  I had little children and a husband who needed me! 

In this same time period I saw a friend at the store.  I remembered that this friend had suffered with lupus but here she was standing in front of me with a big smile and a bright countenance.  I told her that I had just been diagnosed with lupus and I was very upset about this new occurance.  She looked me in the eyes and told me that there was a way to be healed and that it was my responsibility to learn, pray and find information about herbs and food to accomplish this.  With her words, all the thoughts, reports and medicines started to fade from my depressed mind and were replaced with hope.

My hope was followed with much prayer and soul searching by myself and my family.  I started to talk to good people who had good information that turned me towards healing my body using the medium of basic herbs and pure food.  I also learned about which foods to avoid and purge from my diet and comfort zone.  I asked my doctor if it would be possible for me to be healed from the disease of lupus.  He chuckled and told me that there was no way to remove the disease from my body.  I decided that I needed to find a doctor who agreed with my hope that I could be healed from this debilitating disease.  I did find a new doctor who practiced alternative medicine.  She agreed that I could indeed be healed and not just survive but thrive.  One year after my initial diagnosis, my anti-nuclear anti-bodies blood test came back normal!   I felt wonderful AND had given birth to my 4th child!  (see this link for brief, details about how to treat lupus naturally

What did I do to accomplish this?  I learned from Dr. John Christopher of The School of Natural Healing, "Nourish and Cleanse So Your Body Can Heal".  I cut out sugar, cow milk, processed foods and "bad fats" and replaced it with raw foods, nut milks, good fats and specific herbs.  I studied every book I could find that taught good, sound principles of health.  I devoured all information about healing the body and becoming strong in mind, body and spirit.  For 9 years I have been using the effective and powerful essential oils.  I can't imagine a food storage without these precious oils!  I still have much to learn and that is why I've decided to start logging my information so I can continue to grow and hopefully help others on their journey to health.

11 years later I am happy to say that I now have 6 children who are surrounded by good health and understand how to heal themselves from anything from ear infections to bronchitis to spider bites.  They also understand that if they're not feeling well, they need to look at the things they have put in their mouth to figure out what is hurting them.

I have compiled my personal recipes and ideas for herbal/essential oils remedies, food recipes, green smoothie recipes, useful links, baby formula ideas and even helpful tips from being a Mom for 17 years!


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